Please give us a rundown of who you are and what you do?
I’m Annelies Grimshaw, Owner of Key Nutrition, Qualified Nutritionist specialising in Sports Nutrition. I can help you with weight loss, muscle gain, sports nutrition, family health, dietary requirements, hormonal issues, gut health, increased energy and a lot of other health issues. I understand that everyone lives busy lifestyles and may not have the time to make nutritious meals hence why I always offer quick, affordable, tasty and healthy recipes that fits in with your current lifestyle.
Come see me when you are done with diets and are ready to achieve your health goals in the most sustainable and realistic way.
What got you into nutrition and what was the inspiration to start your business, Key Nutrition?
I have always been interested in health and wellness which probably stemmed from my childhood upbringing as my parents have always been super healthy and active. I was working overseas in the mines in Australia and wanted to move home, so I had the opportunity to rent an office in Ponsonby and start my own business with my Mum’s support.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I will normally wake up around 530am, do some stretching for 15-20 minutes then take the dogs for a walk (if not do some sort of exercise). Then I have a coffee and start work for the day. I normally intermittently fast until lunch (if i am not training in the morning). I will then workout at lunch or early afternoon (in between clients) and finish my day. Head home, cook dinner and chill for the evening. I have a strict bedtime routine where I try to reduce bluelight for an hour before bed, do some reading and lie on my shakti mat. Try to be in bed by 930-10pm at the latest.
How do you keep your health a priority in your day-to-day life?
Routine + being organised/prepared. I will never buy my lunch as I am always prepared. I always prioritise sleep so I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to smash the day!
You're a fan of Mitchells! Why do you personally use Mitchells Nutrition Bone Broth Protein Powder and why do you recommend it to your clients?
Love that it is extracted from bone broth as we know this is the best natural food source of collagen. This is why I recommend it to ALL my clients (except Vegetarian/ Vegans). I love the combination of collagen + protein as it is suited for everyone’s needs. The taste is amazing too and I love that it is made in NZ with minimal/good quality ingredients.
How would you spend a day to yourself with no demands? In other words, what do you love doing and what brings you joy?
Spearfishing, diving, going for walks, hanging with mates, going out for yum food, being at the beach.
You talk about supporting clients to create healthy habits and not restrict them. Can you share more about this?
We like to work with our clients in small steps, which always lead to long term success in creating sustainable habits. Creating lifestyle changes, rather than focusing on short term fixes (such as a diet). Restrictions don’t work long term, so we have an approach that works for the client long term.
What’s the best piece of advice you have received that has helped shape who you are today?
Success is dependant on effort.
What’s your favourite way to have any of our Mitchells Nutrition Products?
Chocolate peanut butter smoothie or mixed in yoghurt with some berries - honestly I eat this everyday!
What’s your proudest moment in your work and/or life so far and what are you striving for now?
Coming far in my business when there have been times I want to give up and go back to being an employee. Striving to continue succeeding working for myself and building the business.
What about challenges and how have you overcome them?
Reached out to family and friends who support and encourage me to keep persevering.
What is one tip you would leave readers with to support their health?
Eat a wholefoods based diet, the less ingredients the better quality food.
Finally, what’s your favourite adventure spot in New Zealand?
Keep up to date with Annelies on IG at @keynutrition
Shop Mitchells Nutrition Bone Broth Protein Powder
Available in Chocolate, Vanilla, Salted Caramel, Real Strawberry and Unflavoured.
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